APLI Reorganization

To: OSU Colleagues

From: Edward Feser, Provost and Executive Vice President

Date: June 7, 2018

Dear Oregon State Colleagues:

I am writing to share several important updates with you.

Following Susana Rivera-Mills’ recent announcement that she will resign from her role as vice provost for academic programs and learning innovation (APLI) to become provost at Ball State, I consulted with faculty and administrators across OSU regarding the APLI portfolio. Among other things, the APLI vice provost has been charged with overseeing academic programs and assessment, enrollment management, teaching and learning innovation programs, the ROTC programs, and Extended Campus (including Ecampus).

Taking stock of APLI was important in light of my recent decision to elevate the position of associate provost for enrollment management to the rank of vice provost reporting directly to the provost, a model that has become common among our peers. A national search for a vice provost for enrollment management is currently underway.

After considering feedback on the APLI portfolio, including from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, I have decided to retitle the position of vice provost for academic programs and learning innovation to vice provost for undergraduate education (VPUE), and to tighten the portfolio’s focus. The VPUE will collaborate with our academic deans, the Faculty Senate, and other administrators to advance the university’s goals of offering high quality undergraduate programs onsite, online and in hybrid format; design diverse, well-supported pathways to an OSU degree; create more opportunities for student research and experiential learning; and deliver instruction using leading edge pedagogies and technologies. These activities are critical underpinnings of student success and complement student success efforts in the colleges, at our branch campus and other locations, and within the Division of Student Affairs.

The VPUE will oversee the Office of Academic Programs and Assessment, the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Office of Global Opportunities (OSU GO), the ROTC units, and our cross-university curricular development and enhancement programs (including the Difference, Power and Discrimination Program; the Writing Intensive Curriculum Program; and the Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and the Arts). Broadly, the vice provost will provide academic leadership and oversight of the central units advancing university-wide goals and supporting colleges’ education of OSU’s undergraduate students, a role that parallels that of the vice provost and dean of the Graduate School.

Effective immediately, Lisa Templeton, associate provost for extended campus, will report directly to me. This recognizes Ecampus’ role in facilitating colleges’ development, marketing and delivery of both undergraduate and graduate online programs. Professional and Continuing Education (commonly known as PACE) will move from Extended Campus to the Division of University Outreach and Engagement, to be overseen by vice provost Scott Reed.

A search for a vice provost for undergraduate education will begin shortly, chaired by Larry Rodgers, dean of the College of Liberal Arts. This will be an internal search and faculty currently employed at OSU may apply. Nominations may be submitted to Gigi Bruce, Special Assistant to the Provost. Our goal is to appoint a vice provost for undergraduate education by August 1.

In the intervening period between Susana Rivera-Mills’ departure on June 18 and the appointment of the VPUE, associate provosts Janine Trempy and Julie Greenwood, who oversee current APLI units, will report to senior vice provost Susan Capalbo.

An updated organizational chart for the Office of the Provost can be found at this link. As always, I welcome your questions and comments. You may also reach out to Gigi Bruce for information regarding this reorganization or searches underway.


Edward Feser
Provost and Executive Vice President