Benchmarks for Excellence

Metrics Associated with Institutional Mission and Goals

Metric 2003-04 Baseline 2007-08 Performance 2012-13 Performance 2017-18 Target
Degrees Awarded  - Total  3,894  4,232  5,055  6,000
Degrees Awarded - OSU-Cascades -  -  210  360
First-Year Retention Rate  80.7%  80.8%  84.2%  88%
Six-Year Graduation Rate  60.5%  62.1%  61.5%  67%
Junior Transfer Four-Year Graduation Rate  72.6%  67.3%  63.8%  72%
High-Achieving Oregon High School Graduates  30.5%  32.7%  39.5%  45%
U.S. Minority Students  13%  15%  20%  25%
International Students  6.6%  4.7%  8.9%  15%
Total R&D Expenditures (in millions)  $208.1  $233.4  $232.6  $270
Industry Dollars % of R&D Expenditures  1.3%  1.5%  2.8%  3.6%
Ph.D.s Awarded  169  173  213  255
Invention Disclosures  36  74  80  120
Licensing Revenues (in millions)  $1.5  $2.3  $7.3  $10.9
Ecampus Degree-Seeking Enrollment (Student primary campus)  101  593  1,854  3,000
Dollars Leveraged per Appropriated Dollar for Statewide Public Services Research  $1.73  $1.70  $2.66  $3.00
Annual Private Giving (in millions)  $29.3  $91.1  $81.5  $110