Board Officers

The officers of the Board are the Chair and Vice Chair.

Election of Board Officers

Before the first regular Board meeting in even-numbered years, the Secretary of the Board will poll trustees for comments and recommendations to nominate either current officers for re- election or new officers for election to two-year officer terms to begin July 1.

The Secretary will notify nominees of their nomination, inform them of Board officers’ responsibilities, and confirm nominees’ willingness to serve. The Secretary will report these findings to the Executive and Audit Committee.

At the first regular Board meeting in even-numbered years, the Executive and Audit Committee will make recommendations to the Board regarding the election or re-election of Board officers.

Officers are elected by a simple majority of those present at the Board meeting at which the election is held, a quorum being noted. Nominations may be made at the time of election. Election will be by written ballot upon the request of any two (2) trustees present at the election.

The two-year terms of incoming officers will begin on July 1. Officers will continue in office until their successors are elected. No officer will be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive two-year terms in the same office.

Board officer vacancies may be filled by election at any meeting of the Board. Election to a vacant office shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term.

Role of the Chair

The Chair shall preside over all Board meetings; appoint all committees not otherwise provided for; be an ex-officio member of all standing committees; execute all legal documents and instruments on behalf of the Board affecting interest in lands; and perform any other duties usually devolving to such an officer. At the request of the Chair of the Board, or when the Chair is absent or unable to act, the Vice Chair shall discharge the duties of the office as Chair Pro Tempore.

In selecting a Chair, the following should be considered:

  • Leadership ability;
  • Philosophy and judgment;
  • Past performance as a Trustee;
  • Availability of time; and
  • Willingness to serve and commit the required time.
  • Providing policy leadership separate from the Administration;
  • Acting as presiding officer of the Board;
  • Appointing the Chair, Vice Chair and members of all standing committees;
  • Serving as the liaison between the Board and the President;
  • Acting as Chair of the Executive and Audit Committee;
  • Monitoring and evaluating the work of each of the Board committees;
  • Coordinating the work of Board committees by seeing that work is planned in advance and by periodically attending committee meetings; and
  • Representing the University in major public relations matters where the policy of the institution is concerned.

Role of the Vice Chair

Qualifications for Vice Chair should, in general, be the same as those for Chair. At the request of the Chair of the Board of Trustees or in the Chair’s absence or inability to act, the Vice Chair of the Board discharges the duties of the office as Chair Pro Tempore of the Board of Trustees.


Adopted by the Board of Trustees March 13, 2014