Legal Services

The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) provides legal services to Oregon State University employees, departments and units on university-related issues and activities. We cannot provide legal advice to university officials relating to personal matters, or provide legal assistance or services to students. 

For qualifying legal matters as described above, please complete the form at Request Legal Services.

If you are a student with a legal question, please contact ASOSU Student Legal Services.

If you wish to report discrimination, harassment, bullying, retaliation, or sexual misconduct please contact Equal Opportunity and Access

For inquiries regarding employment, benefits, or other human resources related topics please contact the Office of Human Resources

 For procurement and contract questions please contact Procurement, Contracts and Materials Management    

If you are in receipt of a subpoena, claim, litigation, or other court filing please contact OGC for further instruction. 541-737-2474