OSU Foundation Board and OSU Board joint meeting - 05/15/2024


1. Introductions and Land Acknowledgement (Atkins, Schueler)

2. Roll / Declaration of a Quorum (Bangs)

3. President's welcome (Murthy)

4. Connecting the Foundation and University Strategic Plans: OSUF Strategic Plan Overview (Scoville)

5. Breakout groups

6. Reports from Breakout Groups (OSUF staff)

7. Closing Comments (Atkins)

8. Adjournment

Meeting Details

May 15, 2024, 3 p.m.
by Zoom (click "Join Meeting Virtually" button below)
Listen to the meeting
  • +1-669-444-9171 US
  • Meeting ID: 867 4792 6227
  • Passcode: 186824