To: OSU Campus Community
From: Edward Feser, Provost and Executive Vice President
and Mike Green, Vice Presient for Finance and Administration
August 10, 2018
Oregon State faculty and staff,
We are providing this update to share news that construction on the Oregon Forest Science Complex has resumed and is well underway.
Contractors this week are installing cross-laminated timber floor panels and shear walls in Zone 3 of the Peavy Hall nearest Richardson Hall. Meanwhile, construction of the A.A. Red Emmerson Advanced Wood Products Lab along Washington Way continues with contractors today pouring the first layer of concrete for the lab’s floor and preparing to raise framed walls next week. As well, we anticipate a schedule for resumption of construction in other zones of the complex will be finalized in the next two weeks.
University and college leadership, our project contractor and external consultants continue to collaborate to ensure not only the completion of this project but that when it is finished, Peavy Hall will be a safe building, constructed in accordance with our project specifications and within budget.
We forecast Peavy Hall will be completed in fall 2019 and in full operation for Winter term 2020, further contributing to our goal of creating state-of-the-art facilities for globally renowned research, teaching and engagement.
We recognize that this project has taken longer and will be more costly than originally planned. Yet, we are confident that the result will be a showcase of Pacific Northwest wood products, modern CLT technology, OSU’s No. 2 world-ranked college of forestry, and the future of innovative and sustainable wood sciences.
Edward Feser
Provost and Executive Vice President
Mike Green
Vice President for Finance and Administration