Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for individuals who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts.
Throughout his career, Stephen Hayes has explored themes of the land, loss, sexuality, identity, beauty and violence. No matter the subject, his works exude an authenticity and depth of understanding that belie their seeming nonchalance of execution or familiarity of imagery. In a career now in its fourth decade, Hayes has held over thirty-five solo exhibitions in the U.S. and abroad, and his works have been curated into nearly seventy group shows by a broad diversity of curatorial voices, among whom are: Kristy Edmunds, Cassandra Coblentz, Stuart Horodner, Linda Tesner, Bruce Guenther, Terri Hopkins, John Weber, Peter Frank, Willem de Looper and Mary Jane Jacob. Stephen Hayes is represented by the Elizabeth Leach Gallery in Portland, Oregon, and by the David Richard Gallery in Santa Fe, NM and New York, NY. More information is available at his website.
Peter Clark is a Professor of Geology and Geophysics in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University, where he has been on the faculty since 1988. Peter Clark is well known for his research on the interactions of ice sheets and the global climate system as well as sea-level change on a range of timescales. Much of his work involves collaboration with geophysicists, geochemists, and climate modelers in order to address the complex range of issues associated with climate and sea-level change. During his time as a Guggenheim Fellow, Peter Clark plans to further develop a recent interest in ice sheet-ocean interactions and their influence on climate and the carbon cycle.