Mark Leid appointed Interim Dean of Pharmacy

To: Oregon State University Faculy and Staff

From: Edward Feser, Provost and Executive Vice President

June 15, 2018

Dear Oregon State Colleagues:

In mid-May, our national search for a new dean of Pharmacy ended following campus interviews with three finalists. For a variety of reasons, none of the finalists were appointed to the dean role. I consulted with the Pharmacy leadership team and others to discuss next steps, including interim leadership for the college. I am delighted to inform you that Dr. Mark Leid will serve as interim dean of Pharmacy effective July 1, 2018. I made this appointment with strong support from leaders in the College of Pharmacy as well as others, and I am grateful that Mark has agreed to take this on.

Mark is an Oregon State alum and has been on the Pharmacy faculty for the past 26 years. He has taught over 2,000 students and was voted professor of the year six times. He has trained 80 individuals in his laboratory, including postdocs, technicians, and graduate, professional and undergraduate students. A professor of Pharmacology since 2002, Mark has also served as associate dean for research and holds an affiliate professorship in the OSHU School of Dentistry.

The dean of Pharmacy search will continue. Dr. Sue Tornquist, dean of the Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine, will serve as chair of the search committee going forward. She and the search committee will continue to work with the search firm Witt Kieffer to identify and evaluate candidates. You will receive updates as we make progress. Your nominations for the dean position are encouraged. Send them to Gigi Bruce, special assistant to the provost, at your convenience.

I would like to once again acknowledge and thank Dr. Mark Zabriskie for his leadership of the college of Pharmacy and the division of Health Sciences, and his service to Oregon State. I am grateful that he will continue on the Pharmacy faculty.

All the best for an enjoyable summer,

Edward Feser
Provost and Executive Vice President