Think Affordable Summit

Join us on March 7, 2023 for the Think Affordable Summit. All OSU faculty, staff and administrators are invited. Together, we can make college more affordable and accessible for all OSU students. 

The cost of college is a significant barrier for many students. Faculty, advisors and administrators are often the first people students turn to when they're struggling. At Oregon State, we all care about improving affordability, but as individuals, we can sometimes feel powerless to make a difference. 

Together, though, we can lower the cost burden of a college degree. And change lives. 

Join us on March 7 for the Think Affordable Summit in the Memorial Union Horizon Room to learn from speakers across Oregon State University. This is a lightning round event that will introduce you to a variety of affordability resources, initiatives and programs through 10-minute presentations. 

You'll leave the summit more aware of OSU's student cost-reduction strategies and how to connect students with existing resources. You'll also learn different ways you can directly support Oregon State's affordability initiatives.

Lunch will be provided.

The event is sponsored by Ecampus and the Office of Academic Affairs. 

Save the Date

Date: Tuesday, March 7
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Location: Memorial Union, Horizon Room 49
Online: Livestreamed via Zoom 



Time Topic Presenter
9:00 - 9:15 a.m.

Welcome and Introduction 

Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Senior Vice Provost
9:15 - 10:00 a.m.

Addressing College Affordability in Oregon: A Panel Discussion with State Leaders


Ben Cannon, Executive Director, Higher Education Coordinating Commission

Representative John Lively (District 7)

Edward Feser, Provost and Executive Vice President
10:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Summit Sessions: 


Applied humanities: An online completion degree centered on Affordability 


Jessica DuPont, executive director of marketing development and the student experience, Ecampus

Nicole von Germeten, associate dean, College of Liberal Arts 


Scholarships 101


Colleen Conniff, director of scholarships, Enrollment Management 

Adopting, adapting and authoring open educational resources


Stefanie Buck, director, Open Educational Resources Unit


How to earn an Affordability Matters Badge


Karen Watté, director of course development and training, Ecampus

Stefanie Buck, director, Open Educational Resources Unit


Helping students apply for hardship grants


Marleigh Perez, director of student success, Ecampus

Keith Raab, financial aid director, Enrollment Management


How corporations pay for an employee's education


Howard Burns, director of corporate education, Ecampus

Increasing student and faculty awareness of affordable lending collections


Anne-Marie Deitering, dean of libraries, OSU Libraries

Zach Welhouse, librarian, OSU Libraries


Introduction to the Center for Advancing Financial Education


Prem Mathew, associate dean, College of Business 

Supporting low-income students through meaningful interactions and referrals


Nicole Hindes, director, Basic Needs Center

How to best support students who are also parents 


Amy Luhn, director, Family Resource Center

Saving students money with alternative credentials


Lisa Templeton, associate provost, Ecampus 

12:15 - 12:20 p.m. Closing Remarks Lisa Templeton, associate provost, Ecampus
12:20 - 1:00 p.m.
