Please note that items may be taken out of order.
1. Call to Order / Roll / Declaration of a Quorum (Manning)
2. Provost's Report (Feser)
- a. Status Report: Academic Programs in Development or Review; Institutional Accreditation; Program Accreditations
- b. 2023 Graduating Class Summary Report (Mathern)
3. Consent Agenda (Manning)
4. Discussion Items
- a. Student Life and Success Briefing (Larson, Dougherty, Kellems) Presentation
- b. Student Athlete Briefing (Barnes) Presentation
5. Adjournment
Final Approved Meeting Minutes
2023-06-01-APPROVED-Minutes of the ASC mtg.pdf
(121.86 KB)
Meeting Details
June 1, 2023, 9:30 a.m.
Memorial Union, Horizon Room (2501 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR)
Listen to the meeting
- 1-888-475-4499
- Meeting ID: 655 466 888