Public Notice
The Academic Strategies Committee will meet from 1:45 to 4 p.m. to hear reports on outreach and engagement, faculty excellence, and the College of Public Health and Human Sciences. The committee will also consider a new academic program in the School of Public Policy. Board agendas and meeting materials will be posted as they are available. The public can listen to the meetings by calling the toll-free number listed on the agendas. If special accommodations are required, please contact Marcia Stuart at (541) 737-3449 or [email protected] at least 48 hours in advance.
Please note that items may be taken out of order.
1. Call to Order/Roll/Declaration of a Quorum (Kelly)
2. Provost's Report (Feser)
-- Status Report: New and Existing Academic Program
Reviews and Accreditations in Progress (TAB O)
3. Consent Agenda
a. Minutes of the October 19, 2017 Academic Strategies Committee
Meeting (Kelly) (TAB P)
4. Action Item
a. New Academic Program: B.S. in Public Policy (Rodgers, Lach) (TAB Q)
5. Education/Discussion Items
a. Faculty Excellence (Capalbo) (TAB R)
b. Outreach and Engagement (Reed) (TAB S)
-- Presentation: Outreach and Engagement
c. Spotlight: College of Public Health and Human Sciences (Nieto) (TAB T)
6. Adjournment