Board Meeting - 05/29/2020

Public Notice

The Oregon State University Board of Trustees will meet on Friday, May 29, to consider the university’s operating budget for the coming fiscal year and the consolidated request for operating funds for the next biennium being made by Oregon’s seven public universities to the Higher Education Coordinating Commission.

The board also will receive a report on the university’s COVID-19 response; hear a legislative update; consider practices related to collateralizing public funds; receive updates on a number of capital projects; and discuss a policy regarding the use and management of the university-provided president’s residence. The board also will hear an update on the Corvallis campus vision, a community-based engaged effort launched by the university to guide how the campus will evolve over the next 10 years.

Given current COVID-19 guidance from the Governor’s Office, as well as university and county health officials, the meeting will be hosted through a remote conferencing service. The meeting is open to the public and will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Options for joining the meeting and instructions for providing comment during the board meeting’s general comment period and in a testimony period held before the board votes on each action item are located under “Meeting Details” on this webpage.

The board will hold an executive session as part of its agenda, pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(d) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations.

Agendas and meeting materials for board and committee meetings will be posted as they are available at  If special accommodation is required, please contact (541) 737-3449 or [email protected] at least 48 hours in advance.


Print-friendly agenda - (pdf)

*A separate agenda item is provided for members of the public to comment on topics of interest.
**The public may also sign up to comment prior to Board action on any action item listed on the agenda.

Please note that items may be taken out of order.

  1. Call to Order/Roll/Declaration of a Quorum (Borkar)
  1. Public Comments*
  1. Opening Comments and Reports
  1. Chair’s Comments (Borkar)
  2. President’s Report (Ray)
  3. COVID-19 Response Report (Feser, Green, Larson)
  4. Faculty Senate Report (Plaza)
  5. Higher Education Coordinating Commission Report (Cannon)
  6. Oregon State University Foundation Report (DeVaan)
  7. Associated Students of Oregon State University Report (Josephson)
  8. Associated Students of Cascades Campus Report (Chavez)
  9. President Transition Committee Report (Manning)
  1. Consent Agenda (Borkar)
  1. Minutes of the April 3, 2020 Board Meeting
  2. Minutes of the April 3, 2020 Executive Session
  1. Reports of Standing Committees of the Board
  1. Academic Strategies Committee (Kelly)
  2. Finance & Administration Committee (Bedient)
  3. Executive & Audit Committee (Borkar)
  1. Action Items*
  1. FY2021 Operating Budget (Bedient) - Presentation
  2. 2021-23 Biennial Funding Request to HECC: Operating (Bedient) - Supplemental Document - Presentation    
  3. Collateralization of Public Funds for Change in Banking Services (Bedient
  4. Capital Project Change to Approved Budget: Finley Hall (Bedient)
  5. Capital Project Stage Gate II: PacWave (Bedient
  6. Capital Project Stage Gate II: Gymnastics Practice Facility (Bedient)
  7. President's Residence Policy (Borkar)
  8. President Emeritus (Borkar)
  1. Discussion Items
  1. OSU Corvallis Vision (Odenthal, Richardson, Fulton)
  2. Legislative Update (Fast)
  1. Executive Session

    The Board will hold an executive session pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(d) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations (Horn)

  2. Other Business
  3. Adjournment

Final Approved Meeting Minutes