Board Meeting - 10/20/17

Public Notice

The Board of Trustees will meet on Friday, October 20, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Horizon Room of the Memorial Union. The board will consider the FY2017 presidential assessment, amendments to board policies and committee charter, and the 2018 board work plan. The board will also hear reports on the university’s efforts to advance equity, inclusion and social justice; OSU’s Vision 2030 statement; the recent legislative session; and board governance. The Board will meet in executive session on Friday, Oct. 20, at approximately 3:40 p.m. pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(e) and 192.660(2)(f) (ORS 192.501(6), ORS 502(9), ORS 40.225) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions and to consider information or records exempt by law from public inspection. Following the executive session, the Board will reconvene to consider approval of the acquisition of real property.

The board takes public comment at each board meeting. Commenters must sign up prior to the public comment period of the meeting. Commenters may register by email before the meeting by contacting Marcia Stuart at [email protected] or may register at the meeting itself. There is also a public comment opportunity before the board votes on each action item listed on the board agenda.

The agendas and meeting materials will be posted as they are available at Accommodation requests should be made at least 48 hours in advance to the Office of the Board of Trustees, Marcia Stuart, 541-737-3449.



Printer-friendly Agenda

To listen to the meeting, call:
1-877-474-7020 or local 541-713-3840
Conference ID: 22516#

*A separate agenda item is provided for members of the public to comment on topics of interest.
**The public may also sign up to comment prior to Board action on any action item listed on the agenda.
Please note that items may be taken out of order.


1. Call to Order / Roll / Declaration of a Quorum

2. Opening Comments and Reports
    a. Chair's Comments (Reser)
    b. President's Report (Ray)
    c. Faculty Senate Report (Mason)
    d. Higher Education Coordinating Commission Report (Thomas)
    e. Associated Students of Oregon State University Report (Brundage)
    f.  Associated Students of Cascades Campus (Langeliers)

3. Public Comments*

4. Consent Agenda (Borkar)
    a. Minutes of the June 1, 2017 Board Meeting (TAB Q)
    b. Minutes of the June 2, 2017 Board Meeting (TAB R)
    c. Resolution Regarding Classified Information for the U.S. Department
        of Defense (TAB S)

5. Reports of Standing Committees of the Board
    a. Academic Strategies Committee (Kelly)
    b. Finance & Administration Committee (Schueler)
    c. Executive & Audit Committee (Borkar)

6. Action Items**
    a. Chair's Report: FY2017 Presidential Assessment (Borkar) (TAB B)
    b. Board Policy and Bylaw Review/Amendments (Borkar) (TAB C)
    c. 2018 Board Work Plan and 2017 Board Assessment Results
        (Borkar) (TAB T)
    d. Executive & Audit Committee Charter Amendment (Borkar) (TAB E)

7. Discussion Items
    a. Advancing Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice: Update on Goals
        and University Climate (Alexander) (TAB U)
            - Presentation
    b. Legislative Update (Mills)
    c. Vision 2030 (Feser, Capalbo) (TAB V)
    d. OSU 150 Update (Clark) (TAB W)
    d. Refresher on the Fundamentals of Board Governance (Callahan,
        Colbert, Gose
) (TAB X)
    e. Acquisition of Real Property (Johnson, Sparks) (TAB Y)

8. Executive Session
    The board will hold an executive session on Friday, Oct. 20, pursuant to
    Oregon Revised Statutes 192.660(2)(e) and 192.660(2)(f), ORS 192.501(6),
    ORS 502(9), ORS 40.225 to conduct deliberations with persons designated
    by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions and to consider
    information or records exempt by law from public inspection.

9. Action Item**
    a. Acquisition of Real Property (Johnson, Sparks) (TAB Y)

10. Other Business

11. Closing Thoughts

12. Adjournment


Final Approved Meeting Minutes

171020botmin.pdf (305.25 KB)

Meeting Details

Oct. 20, 2017, 10 a.m.
Horizon Room, Memorial Union (2501 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR)
Additional Files