Please note that items may be taken out of order.
1. Call to Order/Roll/Declaration of a Quorum (Callahan)
2. Vice President for Finance and Administration’s Report (Green)
3. Consent Agenda (Callahan)
- a. Minutes of the January 27, 2022 Finance & Administration Committee Meeting (PDF)
- b. FY2022 Q2 Operating Management Report (PDF)
- c. FY2022 Q2 Investment Reports (PDF)
- d. Capital Project Stage Gate II Approval: Milam Hall Roof, Seismic and Rooftop Unit Renewal (PDF) - REVISED
- e. Capital Project Change to Approved Budget: HMSC Seawater System Renewal (PDF)
4. Discussion Item
- a. Investment Strategy (PDF) (Hesano, Burgess) - Presentation
5. Action Items
- a. Public University Fund Investment Policy Amendments (PDF) (Sann, Hesano, Burgess)
- b. Ten-Year Business Forecast (PDF) (Green, Bloomer, Odenthal) - Presentation
- c. FY2023 Tuition Rates, Mandatory Fees & Student Incidental Fees, including FY23 Operating Budget Outlook (PDF) - REVISED (Green, Bloomer) - Presentation
- d. Biennial Funding Request to HECC: Capital (PDF) - REVISED (Odenthal)
6. Discussion Item
OSU Foundation Annual Update (Scoville)Moved to full Board of Trustees meeting on Apr. 8, 2022
7. Other Business
8. Adjournment
Meeting Details
April 7, 2022, 12:30 p.m.
Memorial Union, Horizon Room (2501 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR)
Additional Files
(171.5 KB)