Public Notice
The Finance & Administration Committee will meet from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to consider quarterly financial reports; an internal bank annual report; changes to approved budgets for capital projects related to Graf Hall, Cordley Hall and Reser Stadium West Grandstand projects; and advancements of capital projects related to Gilkey Hall, West Greenhouses and the LaSells Stewart Center. The committee will hear updates on an upper division and graduate student housing project; the Corvallis Shared Responsibility Budget Model; and budget planning and preliminary tuition scenarios for fiscal year 2023. The agenda and meeting materials will be posted as they are available. If special accommodation is required, please contact (541) 737-3449 or [email protected] at least 48 hours in advance.
Please note that items may be taken out of order.
- Call to Order/Roll/Declaration of a Quorum (Callahan)
- Vice President for Finance and Administration's Report (Green)
- Consent Agenda (Callahan)
- Minutes of the October 7, 2021 Finance & Administration Committee Meeting
- Capital Project Chance to Approved Budget: Graf Hall Interior Renovation
- Capital Project Stage Gate II: The LaSells Stewart Center Mechanical and Roof Renewal
- Action Items
- FY2022 Q1 OSU Operating Management Report (Sann, Dolan)
- FY2022 Q1 Investment Reports (Sann, Burgess, Hesano) - Presentation
- Internal Bank Annual Report (Sann, Hesano)
- Capital Project Stage Gate I: Gilkey Hall Renovation (Daley, Kellems)
- Capital Project Stage Gate II: West Greenhouse Expansion (Daley, Sams)
- Capital Project Change to Approved Budget: Cordley Hall Renovation (Odenthal, Daley)
- Capital Project Change to Approved Budget: Reser Stadium West Grandstands (Odenthal, Barnes)
- Discussion Items
- Capital Project Update: Upper Division and Graduate Student Housing (Daley, Jenkins, Hoelscher) - Presentation
- Update on the Corvallis Shared Responsibility Budget Model (Bloomer)
- Preliminary FY2023 Tuition Scenarios and Education and General Budget Planning (Green, Bloomer) - Presentation
- Adjournment