Please note that items may be taken out of order.
1. Call to Order / Roll / Declaration of a Quorum (McClure)
2. Vice President for Finance and Administration's Report (Green)
- a. Athletics FY2025 Budget (Bruns) PPT only
3. Consent Agenda (McClure)
- a. Minutes of the April 4, 2024 Finance & Administration Committee Meeting
- b. FY2024 Q3 Operating Management Report
4. Action Items
- a. Change to Approved Budget: Administrative Modernization Program (Green, Ballinger, Feser, Carroll) PPT
- b. FY2025 Operating Budget (Green, Gustafson) PPT
- c. Debt Resolution: Long-Term Refinancing Amendment (Green, Hesano, Toepfer)
5. Discussion Items
- a. Campus Safety: Risk Management Report (Odenthal, Anderson, Bamberger) PPT
- b. Sustainable Investments in OSU's Investment Policy (Hesano, Burgess) PPT only
6. Adjournment
Meeting Details
May 16, 2024, 9:40 a.m.
Memorial Union, Horizon Room (2501 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR)
Listen to the meeting
- 1-888-475-4499
- Meeting ID: 655 466 888