From the Office of the President, Jayathi Y. Murthy
April 30, 2024
To the OSU Community:
Over the last week, many of us have been engaged in serious conversations around freedom of expression and the university’s response to protest. I have heard your questions and concerns, and I would like to take this opportunity to clarify our shared responsibilities and affirm our values.
Your voice and perspective are valued.
You are here at OSU because you believe in making the world better through your vision, your passion and your grit. As a university, we believe in elevating community voices and learning from them. We diligently protect freedom of expression in action and policies that ensure OSU community members can say what they think, express their opinions and peacefully protest.
We must keep each other safe.
Our highest priority is the health and safety of the OSU community, and we take this obligation seriously. As a university, our response to charged campus situations will always lead with dialogue and de-escalation. We ask those expressing their views to do so safely, understanding that OSU is a place where many learn, work and live.
As community members express their views, we expect that the rights of others to share their perspectives and pursue their education will be respected. Passionate advocacy is important, but we will not accept violence or threats of violence, willful destruction of property, or discrimination or harassment based on community members’ nationality, ethnicity or religion. We will continue to act quickly to investigate and hold parties accountable for incidents that violate our policies and the law.
Let us learn from and take care of one another.
We are a community where all should feel proud of their identities and their lived experiences. OSU is a place for the curious and courageous. I hope you will look for opportunities for dialogue and to build shared understanding. Keep your mind and heart open to those who hold different ideas. Difficult experiences change us, whether in global history or our own personal lives. We must stay engaged and work for positive change.
Finally, please take care. Great suffering anywhere takes a toll on the health of all who work for change. Be mindful of OSU community members who have been personally impacted by violence in Gaza and Israel. Rely on your support networks and seek out the many resources at OSU that are here to assist.
In moments like this, I am reminded of what makes us a community we can all feel proud of – the ability to see the humanity within each other.
With care,
Jayathi Murthy President
Resources for Students, visit the Office of the Dean of Students Resources for Employees, visit University Human Resources Freedom of Expression and the University’s Response to Protest
600 Kerr Administration Building, Corvallis, Oregon, 97331 leadership.oregonstate.edu/president
Freedom of expression and the university's response to protest
April 30, 2024