Dear OSU Community:
I am deeply saddened by what has occurred and the agony that continues for so many following the horrific and terrifying events in Israel and Gaza. This human tragedy has led to an outpouring of anger, fear and grief around the world and here at Oregon State University. Words cannot capture the scale and horror of what has occurred and of the tremendous suffering and loss people in Israel and Gaza are experiencing as the conflict evolves.
I have heard from many members of our community who are profoundly unsettled. I share your concerns and am deeply grateful for the compassion that I have witnessed students, faculty and staff express for one another and for family, friends and connections in the Middle East. I want to share some of the actions we are taking and resources that are available in response to this unfolding crisis.
In situations like this, our first action is to determine whether any OSU faculty, staff and students traveling, working or studying in an affected region are safe or need assistance. We did this immediately, and I am thankful to report that we have no students or employees currently in the region or in imminent danger.
Next, leaders and staff within the Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Institutional Diversity begin reaching out immediately to those we believe are likely to be most affected, and we open up conversations with those who reach out to us. In a climate of rising anti-Semitic and Islamophobic incidents here in the U.S., we have community members at OSU who feel particularly vulnerable right now and need the university community’s support. A great many staff are engaged in providing that assistance.
We also consult with other universities, community groups, partners and leaders in Corvallis, Bend and throughout the state to identify resources and inform our response. We offer our own support and assistance when appropriate.
To all those who feel vulnerable or overwhelmed by the current crisis, we stand with you, and you have our support. Please take advantage of student support resources on the Corvallis and Cascades campuses and support resources for all employees, and reach out to faculty, colleagues and friends if you need to talk or extra time to process what is happening.
Thank you for listening, engaging and reaching out to one another as we sustain our community through these difficult times.
Jayathi Y. Murthy