Members of the Oregon State University community,
All of us share responsibility for ensuring that Oregon State University acts in an ethical and honest manner. Our common aspiration to create a culture of inclusion, opportunity and social justice demands nothing less.
The University Code of Ethics (PDF), which was adopted by the OSU Board of Trustees in 2014, demonstrates the university’s commitment to maintain a strong ethical tone in all its activities. Under this Code of Ethics, employees are expected to report any violation of law or university policy about which they become aware. Examples of violations include harassment, sexual misconduct, illegal or fraudulent activity, conflicts of interest and other unethical conduct. Additional examples are available on the university EthicsPoint hotline website. University employees are considered public officials and are to comply with the provisions contained in Chapter 244 of the Oregon Revised Statutes. (See A Guide for Public Officials (PDF).) Additional information is covered in the Ethics module included as part of the required employee critical training series. Finally, employees are expected to be honest in all university work.
Employees are encouraged to discuss any concerns they may have regarding the ethical conduct of the university or its employees with their supervisor or manager. If you do not feel comfortable discussing concerns directly with your supervisor, you can make a report confidentially through the OSU Accountability and Integrity Hotline.
The university has contracted with EthicsPoint, an independent, third-party vendor, to provide a confidential and anonymous telephone and Internet system for reporting any such concerns. All actionable reports made through this accountability and integrity hotline will be reviewed by the Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance, an independent unit, and investigated by the appropriate office.
An anonymous report can be made to:
OSU Accountability and Integrity Hotline via phone or website.
Phone: 855-388-4971
You may also report suspected violations to the following offices:
Office of Equal Opportunity and Access
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 541-737-3556
Email: cathy [email protected]
Phone: 541-737-0546
Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 541-737-0505
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 541-737-0663
Environmental Health and Safety
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 541-737-8257
Employees who provide a good faith report of fraud, waste or abuse are protected from retaliation under Oregon’s Whistleblower Protection Law (ORS 659A.199).
Your commitment to integrity and honesty is an important element in maintaining an ethical and secure workplace environment for everyone within OSU. Thank you for the tremendous service you provide to Oregon State University and the broader Oregon community. Your contributions are important and very much appreciated.
Edward J. Ray