The commission operates with the core values of dialogue, pioneering, integrity, excellence, collaboration, innovation, and equity. The commission is committed to acknowledging humanity, improving the lives, and ensuring the well-being of those who self-identify as Black, of African heritage, of native African descent, and of the African Diaspora at Oregon State University.
Members volunteer, and vote on the leadership, which serve renewable two-year terms.
The commission’s charge, through partnerships and collaboration, is to:
- Uplift, mobilize, and care for the Oregon State University Black faculty and staff community;
- With a unified voice, confront and rectify the long history of racism and anti-blackness that has impacted Black communities by informing the practices and policies of Oregon State University;
- Recommend priorities to the President that provide actionable pathways and that assign responsibility and direction for execution; and
- Engage central administrative units, colleges, and other partners to advance the committee's work.
On November 20, 2020 the newly established Commission – with a membership of 18 employees – published a document detailing the charge, mission, vision, values, governing structure, partnerships, and initiatives.
Since then, membership has grown and the Commission’s signature event, the Status of Black Affairs Summit in Portland, has become a key event for the university.
We thank the original President’s Commission on the Status of Black Faculty and Staff Affairs Task Force members:
- Barbara Forrest-Ball, Deaf & Hard of Hearing Access Services Manager, Disability Access Services
- Kimberly McAloney, Coordinator for Academic Engagement in the Cultural Resource Centers, Educational Opportunities Program
- Sharanda Norman, Student Governance Coordinator, Associated Students of Oregon State University
- Jason J. Dorsette, Men’s Development & Engagement, Education Opportunities Program
- Kevin Dougherty, Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students
- Damoni Wright, Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director of Student Experiences & Engagement (SEE)
- Terrance Harris, Assistant Director, Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center
- In consultation with Dwaine Plaza, President, Faculty Senate
2023 - 2025 Committees
Marketing and Communications
Ashlerose Francia, Equal Opportunity and Access
Membership and Community Affairs
David Belton, Department of Public Safety
Kevin Hawkins, Department of Public Safety
Professional Development
Brandi Douglas, University Housing and Dining
Quincy Clark, College of Education/Ag Sci
Member Recognition
Active member and committee leader Ana Spalding received tenure and was promoted to Associate Professor
Other active members were recognized this year as Black Excellence Honorees:
Bridget Jones
Tyrell Warren-Burnett
Kimya Massey
Kevin Dougherty
Sara Smith