Moving Forward Together: Teaching and Learning

Below are actions that Oregon State University is taking or will take.

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Action 28: Consider adopting in syllabi a statement directing students to support resources for bias incident response; embedding standards for inclusive and critical teaching practices in the new course approval process; and establishing systems of accountability for anti-racist education.

Leader: Alix Gitelman

Action 29: Charge a university task force composed of faculty, academic leaders and students to review and recommend changes to current curricular and co-curricular offerings to address diversity, racism and its origins and anti-racism. This review will including those programs offered through: Ethnic Studies, the Difference, Power, and Discrimination Program, Student Experiences & Engagement, Diversity & Cultural Engagement, and Diversity Initiatives and Programs within University Housing and Dining Services, among others. This new task force will consider and advise on the following proposals: including an anti-racism requirement in the Baccalaureate Core; incorporating anti-racism education in graduate education; requiring that Difference, Power, and Discrimination courses be satisfied within a student’s academic home; establishing standards and shared responsibilities for anti-racism education; and mandating participation of instructors in Black Minds Matter training. Task members and stakeholders may suggest other matters for review. 

Leader: Alix Gitelman, Racism and Antiracism Curriculum Task Force

Action 30: Charge appropriate leaders to evaluate and develop recommendations regarding standards for adding inclusive and critical teaching practices within faculty position descriptions across disciplines and embedding evaluation of inclusive teaching practices in formal faculty review processes, including evaluations of teaching and annual review.

Leader: Susan Capalbo

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