Transformation, Excellence and Impact.
SP4.0 identifies 20 actions with 4-6 prospective tactics per action, and one leader is assigned to each action to be implemented. The implementation and assessment of progress on SP4.0 goals, actions, and tactics are led by Rick Settersten, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.
One Action Leader is assigned to each action with the role of:
- Convening relevant university stakeholders, being mindful of shared governance norms and the value of bringing diverse perspectives to the table;
- Working with those stakeholders to develop and refine the given action; and
- Identifying recommended tactics and prioritizing projects under the action.
January 2022 marks the start of the fourth of five years under SP4.0. Action leaders provide qualitative assessments of progress on each project and those are used to calculate a simple summary measure of the completion status of each of the 20 actions. Recognizing that timelines and priorities for each action (and their associated tactics and projects) fluctuate and will not proceed uniformly, the 20 actions are on track overall. New projects may be added, or projects may be reprioritized and/or rescheduled as conditions continue to change.
Despite the continuing challenges of the pandemic over the past year, OSU has made good progress on many actions. Where progress has slowed, it has not stopped; and where projects have been delayed, they have not been abandoned. As of November 2021, average completion progress across the 20 actions is 60%, which is generally where we expect to be at this point in the plan timeline. Fourteen (14) of the 20 actions are at least halfway finished. Importantly, 94% of projects that had a planned start date prior to November have been started – which confirms that the planning and launch of expected deliverables is appropriately tracked. Most actions fall within the expected range at this point in the plan.
For some actions a large number of priority projects were completed in the past year, such as Action 4 (retool the OSU experience for the 21st century learner), due to necessary prioritization of key projects in response to pandemic conditions. Other actions, such as Action 11 (increase student retention and graduation), remain a priority but some of the projects that make up the action had to be delayed. Given the engagement and commitment of the action leaders, priority projects are frequently evaluated to ensure progress on implementation goals.
Action 1: Continue building and supporting a diverse, world-class faculty.
Leader: Rick Settersten
Action 2: Provide distinctive curricula and support innovative pedagogy suited to our mission and vision.
Leader: Alix Gitelman
Action 3: Diversify our research portfolio and strategically build our graduate programs.
Leader: Phil Mote
Action 4: Retool the OSU experience for the 21st-century learner.
Leader: Dan Larson
Action 5: Implement an integrated approach to recruiting and enrolling learners at all levels.
Leader: Jon Boeckenstedt
Action 6: Substantially improve our physical and administrative research infrastructure.
Leader: Irem Tumer
Action 7: Increase experiential learning opportunities and ensure access.
Leader: Alix Gitelman
Action 8: Expand pathways to an OSU credential.
Leader: Lisa Templeton
Action 9: Make strategic investments in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary scholarship, teaching, and engagement.
Leader: Sherm Bloomer
Action 10: Integrate inclusive excellence principles and practices into all aspects of the university.
Leader: Scott Vignos
Action 11: Increase our retention and graduation of students.
Leader: Alix Gitelman
Action 12: Further internationalize OSU.
Leader: Rick Settersten
Action 13: Support interdisciplinary education, research, and engagement on healthy ocean and coasts through the Marine Studies Initiative.
Leader: Jack Barth
Action 14: Reduce our carbon footprint.
Leader: Mike Green
Action 15: Strengthen our support system for innovation and entrepreneurship.
Leader: Rick Settersten
Action 16: Retool our approach to university-stakeholder engagement.
Leader: Toni Doolen
Action 17: Clarify the vision, communications, and governance guiding our physical and digital footprint.
Leader: Steve Clark
Action 18: Strengthen alignment within the university among our branding, marketing, communications, and public affairs efforts.
Leader: Steve Clark
Action 19: Implement a comprehensive talent management system.
Leader: Heather Horn
Action 20: Integrate and simplify technology systems, data practices, and policies to increase our organizational agility.
Leader: Andrea Ballinger