Dear Oregon State Colleagues,
Last fall, President Murthy launched the university’s efforts to develop its next strategic plan. The new plan will succeed our current 2019-23 plan — Strategic Plan 4.0: Transformation, Excellence and Impact — beginning in January 2024. A steering committee co-chaired by Alix Gitelman and Andy Dong and including faculty, staff and students has guided the planning effort. Over the past months, many of you participated in focus groups, attended strategic planning town halls and provided input through an online survey. We thank you for your participation and contributions.
As you know, at Oregon State we aspire to create and share knowledge that changes the world for the better. This strategic plan offers the world an achievable vision of prosperity as we continue our work as a solutions-focused university, leading the world in translating our foundational disciplinary strengths into actionable discoveries, lasting public value and accelerated commercialization; prioritizing academic and professional success for all students; and driving workforce, economic and community development for Oregon and beyond. I invite you to read more about these and other ideas in the attached draft strategic plan.
We encourage your reactions and suggestions and have developed a survey to gather your input. The survey includes some guiding questions meant to shape how you read the strategic plan and to stimulate your thinking and responses. Two I’ll mention by way of example:
- How does the strategic plan’s vision of shared prosperity speak to or reflect the strengths and character of OSU?
- Does the draft plan describe a distinctive institution of higher education that OSU can become?
Please submit your input via our survey, located on the strategic plan development webpage. The survey includes an “other comments” field where you may share your thoughts in response to any of the questions, or you may submit them to the Core Team and Strategic Planning Steering Committee via email to Gigi Bruce. While it will be helpful to receive your input earlier rather than later, we will continue to accept comments through noon on Monday, Sept. 18.
The strategic plan will continue to be refined over the coming weeks and reviewed and accepted by the OSU Board of Trustees in late October. We will continue to provide process updates along the way. Please contact my office if you have questions. Thank you for your feedback.
Edward Feser
Provost and Executive Vice President