Every Student Graduates

A university where every student graduates

This goal commits us to becoming a university deeply committed to the principle that every student we admit — in person or online — should achieve their goal to graduate. 

As an institution established in the public trust, we have the privilege and responsibility to keep open pathways to academic success and to do all we can to provide every student with the support necessary to succeed.

More a mindset than a metric, this goal will require us to productively disrupt many of the ways we are organized and approach our work; every member of the OSU community has a part to play in this effort.

We’ve identified five dimensions of student success that lay the foundation for university-wide strategies that will help us achieve this goal. Intentionally broad, these five areas of focus encompass shared work across the university that can evolve to meet student needs. 





Dimension 1: A financially accessible education 

As a public, land-grant university, OSU strives to make education accessible and is committed to strategies that reduce the cost of higher education. This includes helping students navigate the financial commitment of higher education and helping them build skills to succeed in challenging economic conditions. 

Dimension 2: An intentional onboarding experience 

From the beginning of the college decision-making process through the end of a student’s first year at OSU, the onboarding experience creates the foundation for a successful university experience. Comprehensive onboarding, cohesive messaging, and customizable programming set students up to achieve their goals and feel supported during this period of transition. 









Dimension 3: An environment that promotes connection and community 

When students feel a sense of belonging, connection, and support, they are more engaged as learners and more successful in achieving their goals. They also remain enrolled more consistently and graduate at higher rates. Opportunities for connection and community, combined with an emphasis on holistic well-being, will enhance the student experience. 

Dimension 4: Applied learning experiences 

Not all learning takes place in the classroom; students benefit from applied learning in real-world situations, opportunities to reflect and form connections, and access to professional experiences. High-impact experiential learning like collaborative research, study abroad, internships, meaningful student jobs, and other intentionally-designed activities can all help students build the skills they need to succeed at OSU and beyond.





Dimension 5: Timely completion of a high-quality education 

Quality instruction, combined with the ability to make timely progress through the curriculum, makes college more affordable and makes it easier for students to earn the credentials that position them for post-graduate success. Attending to university structures like course access, quality instruction and curricular excellence, academic policies, and resources such as advising and academic support programs help students achieve their goals.