Key Innovative Initiatives During the Last Decade

Academic Divisions

To support growth in the three signature areas and further collaboration across disciplines, Oregon State created four academic divisions, each representing a combination of colleges: Earth Systems Science, Health Sciences, Business and Engineering, and Arts and Sciences. This structure has led to many innovative collaborations and programs and shared resources within a division.


Distance Education Enterprise

Reaching students at a distance is a strategic initiative that fits with Oregon State’s land grant mission and will help our contributions to the state’s 40-40-20 goal. Through our Ecampus program, Oregon State has the delivery system needed for world-class online education. Enrollment has grown more than 200 percent over the last five years.


Public-Private Partnership in Academic Delivery

As part of a longer-term educational, diversity and enrollment growth strategy, Oregon State established a partnership with INTO University Partnerships, Inc., a British corporation, to recruit international students to an innovative first-year program. This partnership has resulted in nearly a 200 percent increase in international students from fall 2009 to fall 2013.


Program Remapping

Oregon State realigned and remapped our academic curriculum to direct more resources to the core academic enterprise. This new alignment created the necessary resources to expand graduate programs.


Transforming Business Centers

Oregon State moved financial transactions and human resource work to seven consolidated business centers, each serving a group of university units. Previously most of these transactions were managed at the department level in each college. The result: one of the first shared services models in higher education in the nation.