Phi Beta Kappa
The Phi Beta Kappa (ΦΒΚ) Society is the oldest academic honor society for the liberal arts and sciences in the United States, founded in 1776. Selection for membership in Phi Beta Kappa is one of the highest honors an undergraduate can achieve. Membership in Phi Beta Kappa remains one of the few nationally, and internationally, recognized marks of scholastic attainment. Phi Beta Kappa aims to promote and advocate excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and to induct only the most outstanding students in the arts and sciences.
The 2024 Induction Ceremony will take place on May 23, 2024, at 4:30 pm. Newly verified and registered members of Phi Beta Kappa, and their guests, enjoyed a short induction program with a reception to follow.

Climate Change Injustice in Tibet: Impacts and Adaptation?

Emily Yeh
Professor of Geography
University of Colorado Boulder
February 5, 2024 | 4:30 p.m.
Memorial Union Journey Room
In 2015, Phi Beta Kappa, the nation's oldest, most widely known, and most prestigious academic honor society, awarded a chapter to Oregon State University! OSU's Epsilon chapter was installed in April 2016. Each spring, a new group of outstanding undergraduates is invited to join the ranks of Phi Beta Kappa members.
Congratulations and Welcome to our newest members!
2024 Inductees
Lydia Acar
Rachel Anderson
Kylie Angell
Kate Austin
Sarah Ayala
Elisha Bassich
Tristin Beach
Ryan Berry
Sydney Blurton
Ashlynn Bowles
Riley Callahan
Elizabeth Campbell
Stephanie Campbell
Chloe Choice
Alannah Cooper
Jaimine Corona
Diana Corrales
Benjamin Corwin
Sarah Cox
Melissa Croteau-Lacoste
Matthew Cummings
Anneka Davys
Andi Easton
Jay Enghauser
Victoria Estep
Cecily Evonuk
Ashley Finke
Michelle Gee
Kirstyn Hawkins
Victor Hernandez Triana
Cailey Higgins
Kari Hoy
David Iosava
Valerie Iriarte
Megan Jensen
Jessica Krueger
Sophiana Hsiang-Min Kung
Heidi Kuykendall
Colin Leffler
Anthony Lembert
Lauren LeRoy
Mikayla Liles
Emily Lilya
Angelina Lindsey
Jordan Lockhart
Sheyanne Loose
Eduardo Lopez
Matthew Macovsky
Nicholas Malone
Christopher McCracken
Dyontae Navarrete
Reese Neely
Kera Nelson
KyoungMin Park
Julia Pavlosek
Nathan Pethick
Eliza Porter
Evelyn Pryor
Adeline Rang
Anderson Richter
Sydney Robertson
Elora Rowan-Nichols
Lehua Rowland
Karman Sangha
Hannah Sharkey
Ashlin Sheckells
Kate Sikkink
Junghyun Song
Jaymie Spano
Aeurkan Supavarasuwat
Onnicha Supavarasuwat
Alexandra Tejeda
Maxwell Tobiassen
Kali Trueblood
Soraya Trujillo
JayKiya Turner
Dylan Varga
Megan Vazquez
Paul Walls
Monika Weldon
Lauren White
Codi Wood
Ellia Woolard
Charlie Xu
Alexander Zerkel